Thursday, December 30, 2004

Morning thoughts

When I woke up this morning all I could think of is work sucks, Cats are hyper and I love this song! (My radio wakes me up :P)

I wanted a warm person to wake up to but KC has to work and he leaves before I do. Also I didnt want to get out of bed since its REALLY cold :P So I was laying there thinking of things I should be doing like Taking a shower, eating breakfast, iorning my clothes, and all of a sudden a Kitten flew off my window ledge and landed right on my head. :( So I desided hmmm Kitties are warm cuddle buddies! Nope bad choice, Kitties are only warm cuddle buddies when they want to be, and this morning they were more interested in attacking my feet. :(

So I got my ass out of bed, Took a shower, and now im sitting next to my computer wrapped in a towel and shivering slightly. Its interesting how fast Nipples get hard when you are cold :P


Okay this doesnt really count as a post but I do have an update, I made it so you dont have to be a member to post a comment. So for those of you from UT that are not a member and ever do want to comment feel free!

Rant of the sleepless mind

Well its alittle past midnight and I cant sleep, no one is really online to talk to so I thought I would just make a nice little post about some random things that I have done over the last week.

Hmm where to start...

Well why dont we start with what I just got done doing! I just got done watching some porn with a few friends, okay now your probably thinking, this chick is nuts and a freak...and in defence I say thanks and if you are REALLY bored and hanging out with a bunch of close friends, Porn is always a great way to get some laughs. :P
Also the other day KC bought me Scoobydoo Monopoly (sp). What can I say Im a Scooby nut. *ZOINKS* :P (remeber I did say I was a freak) Well KC ended up winning so I was alittle bummed..I dont like to lose :P So thats how my night has been..

hmm anything else interesting happen lately????

Oh yes! I was driving in my car with KC and we had just bought a few CD's when we were joking about our parents bugging us about when we are getting married. Then we both stopped talking and started singing the song that was playing, if I remeber right it was Killing in the name of, by Rage against the Machine. Anywho KC looks at me and says Stef Marry me. I just stopped looked at him and said, Just like that without a ring or any formalality (sp) to it? He said sure why not (He was kidding around) I laughed and said sorry hun but this time its a No. He smiled and made some remark about Females and Rings...

Anywho another random thought.... Snow is fun as long as you dont have to drive in it :P It snowed last night and the only thing I could think of was GREAT now I have to drive across town to work :P But I really really hope it lastests through the weekend so I can go Snowboarding! I already unpacked all my gear! News says freash power should be on the mountains this weekend! Time for me to borrow my dad's truck and head to the hills!

Anywho I hope everyone had a nice day. Blog at ya later!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Well, I just have to say that my day was going well (For the most part) then I came across this poll someone made on a fourm that I post on.. (for those of you who dont know its Called Utopia Temple) Anyways the polls was called "Do you hate America?"

Now I want you to know im not a person who is very proud of where I live, and im not really into supporting anyone who as ran for office in the last few years; but I hate it when people do shit like that. They make these polls and threads about how stupid "Americans" are. When most of them havent even been to the States, and they probably have never met an American in person. Sure I think alot of our rules and laws are dumb. I think its stupid that we go to war over religious (sp) stuff... (Im not into the whole god thing, if you are good for you, but im not.) But I think alot of laws and rules are dumb in other places. But I dont say that the whole country is stupid, or that I hate them. I really dont hate anyone no matter where you have come from. If I hate someone its probably because you as a person are a dumbass. But even if thats the case im gonna smile to your face, think in my head your dumb, then go about my day. Never once will I think, Damn wherever he comes from is stupid and I hate them for it.

I guess you could just say people who write things like this piss me off. And that just doenst go for America haters, it goes out to anyone who says they hate a group of people because of where they live, what the believe in, or anything else that you can judge a group of people by. I dislike the people who say Religion is stupid, I dislike the people who are in the KKK, I dislike people who call all French pussies for not going to war, I dislike people who still call all Germans Nazi's, and I really dislike people who judge people before they even get to know them.

So for all the people that Think like those I described above, I would really like to know why? Why do you have such a dislike for the group of people you hate? Is it because you dont understand them? Is it because you are affraid of them? Is it because the way they act, and thier culture is something new to you? What ever the reason I think you should look in the mirror everytime you think the words "I hate those ........" and say it to yourself.

Sorry I typed this when I was rather sleepy and there are alot of errors in spelling....Please just ignore them :P

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Mmm Sugary goodness!

This is a Random thought about PEZ candies....I got 2 of them in my stocking from my mom for Xmas and Im sitting here eating them....All I can say Is sugary goodness. If you have never had PEZ I must ask...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Okay random thought done... Ta ta

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Home again!

Just got back from doing that great family Christmas thing. Which I have to admitt wasnt horribly bad. Although I did miss my kitties and the comfort of walking around naked :P It even felt weird not wearing a bra. I mean what if I started nipping? I was at my mom's place that would just seem wrong. :P Anywho I liked the gifts I got, and I think people liked the gifts I gave them. If they didnt oh well they can take them back. Tonights kinda boring, shared gifts with friends and talked about thier holidays.

Now im sitting at home drinking some wine with KC and cleaning our appartment. Since we had our BIG dinner at my mom's last night tonight we are having snacks and wine...Yippee :P But hey thats our holidays.

We just watched the Stepford wives...Funny movie, and Army of Darkness since thats what KC picked....Egh its cheesy in my opinion but hey if it gets him to smile whatever I can deal with the cheesyness, God knows I make him sit through my chick flicks.

How was everyone else's Holidays? Im going to say goodnight now and go finish my wine, and find "something" to do!

So I say goodbye to you now while im thinking if its warm enough to take off my shirt!

Friday, December 24, 2004




*Jumps up and down and does a happy dance*

I have never been soooo happy to have the time of the month start! You may ask why? And you maybe thinking why the hell is she blogging this? But I say Its been on my mind so down it goes!

Anywho background info on why I am soooo happy about this... KC and I werent having sex persay, but we were fooling around and seamon got in a not cool area to not be using protection. Then I was almost 2 weeks late on my period. But last night it started! YAY..... nooo freaking way am I ready to have kids. I want kids and I love kids but they dont need to be popping out of me anytime soon.

Anyways thats my rant for today :P Im now going to strip and take a shower.

Blog at ya later!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Deck the Halls

Ah its Christmas time. For most people its suppose to mean happy fuzzy moments, but for me and my family it mostly means On want day do I spend where? See I have to plan a day for my mom, then my dad, then KC's mom then KC's dad. I have to say that only thing great about having divoreced(sp) parents is the always compete with eachother over who going to buy the better gift. Right now I think my partents are pretty much equal. I just wish they would get over hating eachother and we could spend one night maybe going out to a nice dinner. But I know thats never going to work. Everytime they are in the same room its like the Cold War started all over again. So for me the holidays arnt the warm fuzzy moments. Its more like a really sad sitcom, where the parents dont get along and the kids try and milk it for the best gift. But hey thats alright by me in some ways, this year im getting $200 from one and Im not sure what im getting from the other. I know KC is getting A leather Jacket from my mom and $2oo from my dad as well.

Anyways I got KC's gift *YAY* (jumps for joy) And Kc got my gift, its a stearo I was there when he bought it. Ah so what were not into the traditional wait till Christmas to see what ya got :P But we still cant open it till then :P

Anywho...MERRY CHRISTMAS to those who do the Christmas thing...

And HAPPY HOLIDAYS to anyone else who does something different around this time of year!

And my gift to those who read this! I PROMISE to post at least 3 more times before the end of the year!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Rants Part2 (Kc and I)

Well this is the part about KC and I, I dont know much that I want to say other then its just kc and I? I dont really think there is much to say anymore then I dont think we ever will be more then Kc and I.

I mean we are more then dating, and less then engaged. We live together but we dont have any real plans of getting married. So I just call him my other. Thats what KC is my other. And im his yeah. I love him but I just wanna know if there is more this. I dunno maybe im asking too much too soon? But we have been together almost 2 yrs. Anyways I dont really know what I wanna say anymore so Im going to log this and come back to this topic

Rants Part1 (Work)

Okay okay I admitted in my last post that I have been bad and have lacked posting, also I promised to rant about my life over the last what month? Well this post is ALL about my wonderful job. YAY :P

Anywho for those that dont know I work at Applebees'. Its a resturant, if ya wanna know more go to Okay back to my rant..

I now work mornings witch is nice cuz I do make more money and I am home more with KC. But in the mornings there is alot of BITCHY PEOPLE! I have never seen so many people complain about where they sit or what kinda music is playing. I mean If ya dont like it then maybe you should actually talk to the person you are eating with rather then worry about what the background noise is. The music really isnt there for the guests comfort its there for the staff. I mean we need something then your bitching to keep us going.
Another thing at work we have this gift card sales contest. And I was like awsome i'll do great at this! Cuz I sell a shit load of giftcards. Well I found out that since I sold so many of them after the 1st week of the contest my Gen manager desided to not allow Carside (thats me) to join in the fun. So I got alittle annoyed. I mean in 2 weeks I have sold over $4000 dollors in giftcards. I think I should get just alittle credit. But no my manager just say thanks for giving the store lots of sales and keep up the nice work. Thats about the time when I wanna turn around and tell him to kiss my white ass. But I dont I just smile, turn around and walk away. So my goal with the gift cards is now to help a few of my fav servers out and hopefully they will get the nice prizes. 1st place is a $300 giftcard to the mall. 2nd place is $200 and 3rd is $50. So ya I shall not see any of those lovely prizes :( :P Managers are cheep :P

But work is not all bitchy people and dumb bosses. I love working there, there are alot of laughs and its like being in a family, ya hate all of them and love all of them at the same time. I just wish they would hurry up and make me a server so I could be making $100 plus in tips *wink wink*

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Bad Steffy No blog!

I have been bad and not had time to blog due to work. :( I know I know no cookies for me! *slaps hand*

Anywho works been okay... I have some thoughts I'll rant about later..

KC and I are okay....Thoughts about that one too later

And well Christmas is kinda sucky :P and that will also be brought into greater detail..

As of right now this is just a short HELLO and to let everyone who might read this know im still alive.

Now is time for me to go finish getting nakked and take a hot bath since I smell like cookies (been baking) and my boobs are really cold :P

Blog at ya soon!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Late Night

Well last night was odd, but fun in an odd way.
One of my Best friends, Tasha, came over and we talked about whats been going on with us in the last few weeks. I found out that her BF and her broke up (they dated 2 yrs and were to be married) They broke it up for good. Anyways Tasha is a puzzle freak, so we talked while doing a puzzle. Then I dyed my hair, I dyed it blonde again (my natural color). But I have deep red streaks in it, well the blonde made them brighter but didnt get rid of them, so now I have half blonde half bright red hair. Im soon going to be putting black streaks and tipping it. Lets just say that ODD will be my hair color.. I like it *wink*
Anywho, I went to bed around 3am after talking and such. Woke up and at 11 im meeting Matt to do some xmas shopping. Fun fun eh? Well that was a sum up of my last night.