Saturday, December 25, 2004

Home again!

Just got back from doing that great family Christmas thing. Which I have to admitt wasnt horribly bad. Although I did miss my kitties and the comfort of walking around naked :P It even felt weird not wearing a bra. I mean what if I started nipping? I was at my mom's place that would just seem wrong. :P Anywho I liked the gifts I got, and I think people liked the gifts I gave them. If they didnt oh well they can take them back. Tonights kinda boring, shared gifts with friends and talked about thier holidays.

Now im sitting at home drinking some wine with KC and cleaning our appartment. Since we had our BIG dinner at my mom's last night tonight we are having snacks and wine...Yippee :P But hey thats our holidays.

We just watched the Stepford wives...Funny movie, and Army of Darkness since thats what KC picked....Egh its cheesy in my opinion but hey if it gets him to smile whatever I can deal with the cheesyness, God knows I make him sit through my chick flicks.

How was everyone else's Holidays? Im going to say goodnight now and go finish my wine, and find "something" to do!

So I say goodbye to you now while im thinking if its warm enough to take off my shirt!


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