Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Well, I just have to say that my day was going well (For the most part) then I came across this poll someone made on a fourm that I post on.. (for those of you who dont know its Called Utopia Temple) Anyways the polls was called "Do you hate America?"

Now I want you to know im not a person who is very proud of where I live, and im not really into supporting anyone who as ran for office in the last few years; but I hate it when people do shit like that. They make these polls and threads about how stupid "Americans" are. When most of them havent even been to the States, and they probably have never met an American in person. Sure I think alot of our rules and laws are dumb. I think its stupid that we go to war over religious (sp) stuff... (Im not into the whole god thing, if you are good for you, but im not.) But I think alot of laws and rules are dumb in other places. But I dont say that the whole country is stupid, or that I hate them. I really dont hate anyone no matter where you have come from. If I hate someone its probably because you as a person are a dumbass. But even if thats the case im gonna smile to your face, think in my head your dumb, then go about my day. Never once will I think, Damn wherever he comes from is stupid and I hate them for it.

I guess you could just say people who write things like this piss me off. And that just doenst go for America haters, it goes out to anyone who says they hate a group of people because of where they live, what the believe in, or anything else that you can judge a group of people by. I dislike the people who say Religion is stupid, I dislike the people who are in the KKK, I dislike people who call all French pussies for not going to war, I dislike people who still call all Germans Nazi's, and I really dislike people who judge people before they even get to know them.

So for all the people that Think like those I described above, I would really like to know why? Why do you have such a dislike for the group of people you hate? Is it because you dont understand them? Is it because you are affraid of them? Is it because the way they act, and thier culture is something new to you? What ever the reason I think you should look in the mirror everytime you think the words "I hate those ........" and say it to yourself.

Sorry I typed this when I was rather sleepy and there are alot of errors in spelling....Please just ignore them :P


Blogger S. said...

Why would I hate you? *hugs!* You have yet to give me a reason to hate you.

10:13 AM  

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