Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Deck the Halls

Ah its Christmas time. For most people its suppose to mean happy fuzzy moments, but for me and my family it mostly means On want day do I spend where? See I have to plan a day for my mom, then my dad, then KC's mom then KC's dad. I have to say that only thing great about having divoreced(sp) parents is the always compete with eachother over who going to buy the better gift. Right now I think my partents are pretty much equal. I just wish they would get over hating eachother and we could spend one night maybe going out to a nice dinner. But I know thats never going to work. Everytime they are in the same room its like the Cold War started all over again. So for me the holidays arnt the warm fuzzy moments. Its more like a really sad sitcom, where the parents dont get along and the kids try and milk it for the best gift. But hey thats alright by me in some ways, this year im getting $200 from one and Im not sure what im getting from the other. I know KC is getting A leather Jacket from my mom and $2oo from my dad as well.

Anyways I got KC's gift *YAY* (jumps for joy) And Kc got my gift, its a stearo I was there when he bought it. Ah so what were not into the traditional wait till Christmas to see what ya got :P But we still cant open it till then :P

Anywho...MERRY CHRISTMAS to those who do the Christmas thing...

And HAPPY HOLIDAYS to anyone else who does something different around this time of year!

And my gift to those who read this! I PROMISE to post at least 3 more times before the end of the year!


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