Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A few random thoughts about boobs

I dont think Big boobs and Stairs mix well. (It really hurts if you run up or down them :P)
Im a Size 36DD, if I ever get pregnant my boobs are suppose to grow 2 sizes.... Im scared :P Cuz thats HUGE!
When a girl stands on a scale and thinks she is fat, I think she should see how big her boobs are and subtract thier weight from her over all....Boobs Are HEAVY!

Monday, November 29, 2004


Yay today I got payed...too bad that tomorrow it will all go buy buy. :P Its bill time, the saddest part of my month. Oh well I guess if I didnt pay bills then I wouldnt have anything? well I might have a rock and maybe a stick, if Im lucky *wink*
Atleast Kc pays half the bills. I only need to pay part of the rent, and my car insurance. Not too bad. Then I have to go buy Christmas gifts...FUN stuff.
I love Christmas time, but I dont like the crowds at the stores, and I really dont care too much for big family events. I like to just have a small Christmas, put up the tree, have dinner with close friends, and make some cookies.

Anywho back to today. James went home (Kc's oldfriend) that was kinda sad, but he said he would be back in a few weeks. I worked this morning so I spend the afternoon talking with my mom. That was interesting. Now im going to post this while I wait for KC to get home from work! Then I think tonight I a good night to lay around naked and cuddle :P

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Horny Marshmellows

I had a thought about Marshmellows while eating one the other night....
What if Marshmellows where shaped like Penises and when they got warm they grew bigger? Or they could be shapped like boobs and got larger as well.. They could be great for parties!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Tis the Season

Christmas is just a month away. I keep getting asked by KC what I want for Christmas. He wants it to be something sentamental. I have no clue what I can ask for. I mean I've been in relastionships before and we have given Sentamental Christmas gifts, but I was never asked what I wanted, they already knew what they were going to give me. I have lots of idea's on what to get KC, he's easy to shop for. Could anyone give me Sentamental gift ideas to ask for?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Thanksgiving means Sharing....does that count sharing the stress?

Okay its 11:34pm and I have to be at work in the morning. I just sat down after spending the last few hours cleaning my appartment. Why am I cleaning? Because its Thanksgiving time and 3 people are staying in my 2 bedroom place :P (besides Kc and I) Im fine with the cooking, hell I like to cook for people, but cleaning is not my thing. Also I have to work in the morning, already said that... anyways people start arriving here while Kc and I are still at work, they dont know how to get to my place. Thats Stressful thought #1.
Stressful thought #2 is I havent even had time to go shopping for anything other then the Turkey. So as far as I know as of right now, for Thanksgiving all we are having is the bird :P
Stressful thought #3 Where is everyone going to sleep? Do I give up Kc's and my bed? or do I make someone sleep on the floor? Btw its not a man and woman comming its Kc's best friend, Brother, and Father. So its not like I can say here share a bed :P

Anyways I just needed to vent on that one. Kc says he would help with the shopping but doesnt want to buy the wrong things. Bah boys will be boys..I think he just wants to play his PS2 while I cook :P

Men cant live with 'em and lifes really boring without 'em

Thought on Safe Sex

Here is my thought about safe sex....

Teens are going to have sex no matter what you tell them. I think when a boy turns 13 the government should pay to "fix" him. And when the man is ready to have a baby, and can afford one, then he can go get "unfixed" Since it is reversable. This way the pill wouldnt be needed for teens, and condoms would only have to be bought for adults. Teens wouldnt have to worry about pregnacy because the guys will be shooting blanks..Thats my thought on it.

Welcome to the boredom

Well its my 1st blog :P but anyways Im just going to post random thoughts and things about my day, that is when I have time. ;) Right now im kinda bored, Kc (my boyfriend) just left for work and im waiting on Matt (Good Friend) to call me. It kinda sucks having the day off when no one else does. But oh well I get Steffy time! YAY for Steffy time. Steffy time means I dont have to get dressed and I can walk around naked if I choose too, but its kinda cold out so im gonna sport my Reese's Pj pants and a black shirt.

I do have stuff to do today. Kc has this habit that I hate and its to give me a chore list. Well list of things to do today:

Clean the appartment (cuz people are comming over for Thanksgiving and its trashed)
Clean the kitty litter (Its getting smelly :P)
Do the wash
And last but not least
Go to the store.

I hate the chore list and I usally dont do it, but since I do have to work tomarrow and ppl are showing up tomarrow I guess I will do it. Normaly I would argue with him about the fact that im not 3 and I am able to do things without getting a list. But this morning it wasnt worth my time to fight with him. I much enjoyed spending the morning in bed cuddling.

Did I mention to all the people reading this that I am kinda boring, but I do have these random thoughts that might make you think WTF?!? Also to my friends I am known as the TypoQueen, as well as the boobqueen, since I make lots of typos and I love boobs.

Well I guess this goes under one of those boring blog days. The only odd thought that im thinking is why does peanut butter taste so damn good?

Well thats what im going to leave you with. My question on Peanutbutter. I shall be back soon most likely
