Well its my 1st blog :P but anyways Im just going to post random thoughts and things about my day, that is when I have time. ;) Right now im kinda bored, Kc
(my boyfriend) just left for work and im waiting on Matt
(Good Friend) to call me. It kinda sucks having the day off when no one else does. But oh well I get Steffy time!
YAY for Steffy time. Steffy time means I dont have to get dressed and I can walk around naked if I choose too, but its kinda cold out so im gonna sport my Reese's Pj pants and a black shirt.
I do have stuff to do today. Kc has this habit that I
hate and its to give me a chore list. Well list of things to do today:
Clean the appartment (cuz people are comming over for Thanksgiving and its trashed)
Clean the kitty litter (Its getting smelly :P)
Do the wash
And last but not least
Go to the store.
I hate the chore list and I usally dont do it, but since I do have to work tomarrow and ppl are showing up tomarrow I guess I will do it. Normaly I would argue with him about the fact that im not 3 and I am able to do things without getting a list. But this morning it wasnt worth my time to fight with him. I much enjoyed spending the morning in bed cuddling.
Did I mention to all the people reading this that I am kinda boring, but I do have these random thoughts that might make you think
WTF?!? Also to my friends I am known as the TypoQueen, as well as the boobqueen, since I make lots of typos and I love boobs.
Well I guess this goes under one of those boring blog days. The only odd thought that im thinking is why does peanut butter taste so damn good?
Well thats what im going to leave you with. My question on Peanutbutter. I shall be back soon most likely