Friday, March 11, 2005

New House New Friends New Task

Alrighty Its been a while since Ive been able to update my blog but yay I can now!
*does happy dance*
So much has gone on in the last month I dont know really where to start so Im just gonna pick a random spot and go from there!
Well we moved into our new place, ya know the one that we were fixing up. Its nice, alot better then the appartment! No one bitching at you and you can have the TV and or Music as loud as you want. Also people can come over and who cares where they park. Another nice things is know one cares if you do laundery or take a shower at 2am. I love a house, only way I'll get an appartment again is if it is sound proof.
The reason why it took so long for me to get back online was because the cables under the house for the internet had gone bad and we needed to get them rewired. But in order to do that we needed to get written promission from our landlord (steve moms' bf) but they were out of town for a while at my brothers graduation. Anywho Steve got back, we got the note, and now POW here I am typing this out ONLINE!
*Does another Happy dance*
With the New house come a new roomie! Since its a 3 bedroom place we have invited James, KC's mate from like 5th grade...Thats along fuckin time. Well James is cool and hes fun to be around so we have no problems. Also he's helping work on Kc waking up and seeing that If things between us dont change soon im not gonna be sticking around. But thats a whole nother topic. Since James moved here from Portland he needed to get a job. And ya know what, yesterday was his 1st day at Applebees :P Yes Steffy Hooked him up and got him a job where I work. But we do totally different things. Although I had to train him yesterday. But hey not a prob cuz I know how to do his job and mine. And since I trained I got free food!
Now that we are kinda on the topic of my work, its now time for me to tell you I GOT MOVED UP! No longer am I Just Carside, but now when you lovely people walking into Applebess you have a chance that Steffy might be serving you! Yes that is right I now am a server. And a pretty good one too. So far my tips have matched the top servers at our store. So hey extra cash, more to do Im happy happy.
As for KC and I, its basicly the same old shit. And I guess thats what Im not too thrilled about. But I dont need to get into that one :P

And now I leave you with this random thought on boobs... Why is it so interesting when a chick is nipping?