Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Random thoughts

Okay just a bunch of Random thoughts some are deep, some are dumb, some will make you think WTF!?! But ya know what deal with it :-P

Why do people talk loud to you if they cant hear what you are saying? Do they think that if they talk louder you will take the hint?

What is the point to scratch and sniff underwear? (yes there is such a thing)

Why do bagels and doughnuts have holes?

If Jesus can walk on water, Can he swim?

Why do people judge others based on petty things?

Why the hell do gas prices keep rising? Cant we pick a dam price and be happy about it?

Why do people break into shitty cars?

If there are alians out there why would they want to probe our asses?

Are people so blind to the needs of others, or do they just choose to ignore someone when they are crying out for help?

Never regret things you have done, because they would change how you are, and even if you dont like yourself that doesnt mean that someone else might not love you just as you are.

How come peanut butter sticks to your mouth?

Whos the idiot that put wires in bras?

Is there a differents between being and idiot, stupid, and dumb?

If you think someone is bad at sex, could it really be you who is bad at it?

Why is the world so dependant on looks and they fail to see the beauty in people that is not just skin deep?

Why is money made of paper? What makes it so damn special? Its just green paper

How come cats can lick themselfs and we cant?

How come we havent been back to the moon yet?

Why am I still writing these things?

Why are you still reading this?

Am I that interesting?

Would I still be interesting if I was wearing a purple toto and singing mary had a little lamb while drinking water and doing jumping jacks?

Can Anyone do that?

I would pay to see someone do that.

Okay im gonna stop for now, but I know there are other things I will think of.
Oh and for everyone who loves music great site that everyone should check out:
Make a station on there and post the e-mail addy you have it under I would love to know what kinds of music everyone listens to.

Remember love peace and bullet proof marshmellows


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